Hillary Clinton was in Lake Forest, CA attending attending church and she made an impression. The always charming Clinton swayed as the choir sang "Jesus Loves Me," and stood as she joined the congregation singing "Tell me the story of Jesus." The press was seated up in the balcony and was unable to hear Clinton sing, or watch her enter or leave the service. Bonnie Campbell, the owner of the church, served in the Clinton administration as Head of the Violence Against Women's office at the Department of Justice, invited the Senator to come this Sunday morning. Clinton is a Methodist but attends church in other denominations as she travels. She has attended church three times in Iowa - including in Davenport, Decorah, and Des Moines.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Hillary Clinton goes to church
Hillary Clinton was in Lake Forest, CA attending attending church and she made an impression. The always charming Clinton swayed as the choir sang "Jesus Loves Me," and stood as she joined the congregation singing "Tell me the story of Jesus." The press was seated up in the balcony and was unable to hear Clinton sing, or watch her enter or leave the service. Bonnie Campbell, the owner of the church, served in the Clinton administration as Head of the Violence Against Women's office at the Department of Justice, invited the Senator to come this Sunday morning. Clinton is a Methodist but attends church in other denominations as she travels. She has attended church three times in Iowa - including in Davenport, Decorah, and Des Moines.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Infamous teddy bear
The innocent teacher whose class named a teddy bear "Mohammad" is being sentenced to jail for naming the bear after the prophet. She is also being threatened by hundreds of Muslim's in the country that they will execute her. Gillian Gibbons went on trial Thursday on charges of inciting religious hatred by letting her students name a teddy bear Mohammad, a crime punishable by up to 40 lashes and six months in jail. The devastating part is that this teacher was unaware that what she was doing was culturally incorrect and now she is going to be punished because the country is so religious.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Why was president George W. Bush elected again?
What I will never understand is how this country elected Bush after he failed horrible in his first term. The fact that he won shows how religiously based this country is. They will vote for a "faith" based man even if he is not getting the job done instead of someone that can get the job done but is not that religious. Why do moral issues and religion have to do with policy making and decision making? Nothing. A president should not have to use religion in making crucial decisions.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Islam in the middle east
Religion plays a marjor role in the middle east for many of its citizens. Most countries in the middle east run their state with religious laws. A Country such as Saudi Arabia that strictly follows Islam is a good example. But could this be the reason that the middle east is having difficulty becoming democratized. I think so. The religious presence is so strong in many of the countries in the middle east that it doesnt allow for any other form of government to take place, even if the other form is better. Countries such as Iran that also have a strong religious presence in the government repress their people. Many citizens in these countries would like to see religion and state seperated. Who knows what religion will not play a role in middle eastern politics, but when it does maybe there can be a chance for democracy to be established and grow.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Giuliani on immigration
Rudy Giuliani, when asked about what he learned from visiting the border near Mission, Texas, Giuliani said he was reminded about what could be accomplished. Seeing the equipment in place at the border town, Giuliani said, " I can kind of look at what needs to be done with the photographic equipment, the motion detection equipment, the heat seeking equipment, a borderstat system like my compstat system." "I'm not gonna tell you it's easy to do -- it's not," Giuliani added. "But it is certainly is well within the bounds of the technology that now exists in the world, for us to end illegal immigration on this portion of the border. This would not be hard to do in that sense. It would be… it would take a long time, it would take a big expenditure of time and money, but its possible." Lets see how effective he can be.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Hillary Clinton does great in debate
Two weeks after a rocky presidential debate performance where she appeared at times both defensive and evasive, the New York senator came into Thursday's Democratic forum poised, confident and ready to rumble. She challenged her competitors and questioned their histories. And after days of torturous contortions on whether she supported granting driver's licenses for illegal immigrants, Clinton was able to stand by and watch as Obama was tripped up on the issue this time. "To the degree she might have been stumbling in the last debate, she regained her footing tonight," Democratic strategist Garry South said. "It was a very impressive performance by Hillary Clinton. She showed she could battle back criticism very well."
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Will the religious right accept Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani is a republican candidate and is conservative but is he religious enough for the right. The right is infamous for choosing extremely religious and conservative candidates to represent them but is Giuliani good enough. Some believe hes not. Some on the right don't think he has what it takes. He is a strong hopeful, but he also has some weak points. The right does not think that he is sync with their moral issues. They think is moral beliefs are to liberal from what the right is use to. Will Rudy Giuliani win the right over?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Evangelicals and televangelist growing in this country
The Evangelicals are a large part of America. Their ever growing and there seems to be no end. The evangelical movement has been going on all the way dating back from Billy Graham days. More and more famous evangelicals started to pop up and now the televangelist world is a multi billion dollar business. What these people do is sick, they use the ill, hopeless, and poor to funnel in money to their phony causes. They hurt millions of lives all in the name of God. These evangelicals conduct their lives with very little taxes to pay on the millions that they earn yearly because its for a "charitable" cause. How these people think they are doing God's work baffles me. Innocent naive people buy into these evangelicals and televangelist. They listen to what they say and support the cause that they support. Thats why politicians know they need to gain support from these evangelicals. Evangelicals are growing in America and there seems to be no stop.
Oprah backs Barack Obama
Oprah is supporting Barack Obama for president. The presidential hopeful is getting much love from the richest women alive. Oprah has power over a vast majority of her audience that watches her daily. Through her media outlet and her money she has boosted Barack Obama's image for many unsure democrats. Oprah isn't the only celebrity endorsing Barack Obama he also has the support of George Clooney and many other famous faces. With all these famous figures backing him will it give him the edge he needs to win and pull through? He is hoping so. Oprah's support is extremely crucial to his campaign. She pulls in a lot of support by just bringing up his name and having him on her show.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Why religion is such a popular topic in the media
Religion for decades has been a highly popular issue in the media. The reason for this is because religion is a highly controversial topic. It pushes buttons and involves people in news stories. Religion is an extremely personal issue and when there a highly publicized stories about it draws in ratings. It is covered because it is a hot topic and always will be. People are extremely passionate about their faith, therefore it will always bring in the ratings. Faith is a universal topic and the media will continue to cover it.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Christian strength in America
Christianity is a large part of America. In a country where more then half of the people vote for a president because of his religion and beliefs thats say something about how strong religion is. America is a highly Christian country and it effects policy making. A majority of the congressman are Christian. In the United States church and state are supposed to be separated but thats not the case. When will we finally have a state where religion plays no part in policy making and who gets elected to office.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Equal job opportunities for gays and lesbians
The House on Wednesday approved the first federal ban on job discrimination against gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act came despite protests from some gay rights supporters that the bill does not protect transgender workers. That term covers transsexuals, cross-dressers and others whose outward appearance does not match their gender at birth. The measure would make it illegal for employers to make decisions about hiring, firing, promoting or paying an employee based on sexual orientation. It would exempt churches and the military.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Ann Coulter mouths off
Ann Coulter starts again with her rude antics.
Her recent comments on Donny Deutsch's cable show might have generated a useful conversation instead a lot of name-calling and Scripture quoting. Here is what happened: Coulter and Deutsch were bantering about Israel and Iran, when Coulter used the phrase that has gotten so much attention. Christians, she said, "just want Jews to be perfected." "Wow, you didn't really say that, did you?" asked Deutsch. "Yes, that's what Christianity is," Coulter answered. Later in the program, Deutsch called Coulter "anti-Semitic," and in the days that followed, the Anti-Defamation League condemned Coulter's statement and the National Jewish Democratic Council called on news organizations to quit inviting Coulter on their programs.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Pope speaks to Muslim leaders
Pope Benedict has accepted an unprecedented call by Muslim scholars for dialogue between Christians and Islam, inviting them for meetings in Vatican City, the Vatican said on Thursday. Some 138 Muslim scholars wrote to the German-born Pontiff and other Christian leaders last month, saying "the very survival of the world itself" may be depend on dialogue.
The Pontiff, who as head of the Catholic Church represents more than half of the world's two billion Christians, praised the scholars' "call for a common commitment to promoting peace." "Without ignoring or downplaying our differences as Christians and Muslims, we can and therefore should look to what unites us, namely the belief in one God," the Vatican wrote in a message signed by Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone.
Monday, November 5, 2007
More problems in Myanmar
Barnabas Ki Ning fled military-ruled Myanmar to relatively prosperous Malaysia, but found life is not a lot rosier. The 29-year-old teacher from Myanmar's ethnic Chin minority can't find a job, is denied refugee status and forced to squat in a crowded two-bedroom flat in Kuala Lumpur. "We are struggling here. I have no proper income and have to rely on others for rent and food," said Ki Ning, who faces jail in a country which regards him as an illegal immigrant.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Myanmar tragedy
The tragedy that is going on in Myanmar is devastating. Thousands of monks are being killed because they are in opposition of their government. The Buddhist monks are having peaceful demonstrations against the rise in the cost of petrol in the Myanmar. Through their religion these Buddhist monks have gathered thousands into the streets make this protest one of the largest in the country. The citizens are outraged at the behavior that the government is conducting on these monks. Myanmar holds a large number of Buddhist, the country is heavily involved in religion. Buddhism plays are large role in peoples everyday lives in Myanmar. The tragedy is still continuing and some monks have been killed in the process.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Gay rights in America
Gay rights in America are being threatened every day. In a country like America where we are supposed to be progressive we have fallen short in issuing gay Americans the same rights that other Americans have. There should be no problem for gays to get married, but the conservatives and religious people in this country do not believe they should. No one should have the right to tell someone who they can love and who they cant. The conservatives of the country claim that marriage should be between and man and a women. But who are they to judge what is wrong and right. Gays getting married does not effect anyone else's life or does it hurt anyone. Why this country does not allow people that love each other to get married is a question that still baffles many.
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