Abortion is still a hot topic and debate issue. The landmark case of Roe vs. Wade, which came to a conclusion over thirty years ago is still gaining much attention. It is ridiculous that there still is a debate over this topic. Women should have the right to do what they please with their own bodies. A politician or any other person has no right to tell someone what they can and cant do with their body. The conservative republican party is still pushing this issue and they want to reverse what progression the United States has made on this issue.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Abortion in the 21st century
Abortion is still a hot topic and debate issue. The landmark case of Roe vs. Wade, which came to a conclusion over thirty years ago is still gaining much attention. It is ridiculous that there still is a debate over this topic. Women should have the right to do what they please with their own bodies. A politician or any other person has no right to tell someone what they can and cant do with their body. The conservative republican party is still pushing this issue and they want to reverse what progression the United States has made on this issue.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Women leaving the polygamist lifestyle
By the time Carolyn Jessop was 18 years old, she had been coerced into an arranged marriage with a stranger who was 32 years older. Merrill Jessop already had three wives when he and Carolyn got married, but their relationship wasn't uncommon because she was part of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, a cult run by recently convicted Warren Jeffs.
Jessop, who was born and raised in the group, escaped with her eight children after 17 years of marriage. She then became the first woman ever granted full custody of her children in a contested suit involving the FLDS.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Hate crimes are on the rise
Hate crime incidents in the United States rose last year by nearly 8 percent, the FBI reported Monday, as racial prejudice continued to account for more than half the reported instances.
Police across the nation reported 7,722 criminal incidents in 2006 targeting victims or property as a result of bias against a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin or physical or mental disability. That was up 7.8 percent from the 7,163 incidents reported in 2005. "The FBI report confirms what we have been saying for many months about the severe increase in hate crimes," said the Rev. Al Sharpton, who organized Friday's march. "What is not reported, however, is the lack of prosecution and serious investigation by the Justice Department to counter this increase in hate crimes." Sharpton called for Attorney General Michael Mukasey to meet with members of the Congressional Black Caucus and civil rights leaders to discuss this matter.
Friday, October 26, 2007
When did Church and State become fused together in America?
When did America allow the Church and state to become fused. One of the most powerful key elements now in a presidential candidate is his or her religion. President Bush proves how religious America really is. With so many votes flowing his way because of his religious views and beliefs it goes to show how powerful and present religion is in the United States. Religion is supposed to be kept separate from government decision making and policy formation. Religion is almost always present in debates between candidates. But why, in a progressive country like this one why should religion play a role on how a president runs and directs a country.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Saudi Arabia is running its country with ancient law
Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries that completely enforces ancient Islamic law in everyday life for its Citizens. Criminal cases are tried under Sharia courts in the country. These courts exercise authority over the entire population including foreigners (regardless of religion). Cases involving small penalties are tried in Shari'a summary courts. More serious crimes are adjudicated in Shari'a courts of common pleas. Courts of appeal handle appeals from Shari'a courts. Forms of punishment they enforce on those sentenced are public executions and amputations for such crimes as shop lifting. There is absolutely no tolerance for homosexuality, murder, adultery, and robbery. Saudi Arabia's laws are so cruel that they break many human rights violations everyday.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Giulliani the second Bush
Could Rudy Giulliani be the second Bush. Maybe so. With his harsh tactics and goals and his conservative views points he echoes a lot of what President Bush believes in. Giulliani's right wing policies are extremely similar to Bush's as well. They have similar views on the war in Iraq. But can this country handle another Bush? I highly doubt so. The last thing that this country needs is someone like Giulliani that is a regressive person only looking out for republican and personal gains. A country like the United States which is constantly improving and moving forward should not be slowed down by someone like Giulliani.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Gay's in Iran
To be gay in means a life of fear in Iran. Shortly before win in his country's presidential election in 2005, Iranian authorities hanged two teenagers officially charged with raping a 13-year-old boy—but whom gay activists say were executed for their sexual orientation. Life for Iranian gays has not improved since then. Even though Iran's senior religious figures have made statements calling for the whipping or killing of homosexuals, the country's authorities continue to deny that they prosecute gays. Against this backdrop it's hardly surprising that the community is outraged over Ahmadinejad's glib comment to his Columbia audience this week that "in Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Pope wants world religions to promote peace
Pope Benedict told religious leaders, including Christians, Jews and Muslims, on Sunday that faith must never be allowed to become a vehicle of hatred. The Pope spoke forcefully against invoking the name of God in any religion "to justify evil and violence." "Faced with a world lacerated by conflict, where violence is still justified in the name of God, it is important to reiterate that religions must never become a vehicle of hatred," the Pontiff said. "On the contrary, religions can and should offer precious resources to build a humanity of peace, because they speak of peace at the heart of man." The Pope addressed scholars and religious leaders attending a three-day inter-faith gathering in the southern Italian port city of Naples. The conference is called "For a World Without Violence: Religions and Cultures in Dialogue." Less than two weeks ago more than 130 Muslim scholars called for peace and understanding between Islam and Christianity, and said the world's survival could be at stake. "With respect for the differences between different religions, we are all called to work for peace and an effective effort to promote reconciliation between peoples," the Pope said.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Using religion to not vaccinate your children
Sabrina Rahim doesn't practice any particular faith, but she had no problem signing a letter declaring that because of her deeply held religious beliefs, her 4-year-old son should be exempt from the vaccinations required to enter preschool. She is among a small but growing number of parents around the country who are claiming religious exemptions to avoid vaccinating their children when the real reason may be skepticism of the shots or concern they can cause other illnesses. Some of these parents say they are being forced to lie because of the way the vaccination laws are written in their states. An Associated Press examination of states' vaccination records and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that many states are seeing increases in the rate of religious exemptions claimed for kindergartners.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Jesus in a chocolate sculpture
A life-size chocolate sculpture of a naked Jesus will finally be displayed in New York starting in late October, seven months after an outcry by Roman Catholics forced a different gallery to cancel its exhibition. Chocolate Jesus will be joined by sculptures of several fully clothed saints, but the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights said it will not protest because, unlike before, there are no plans to put the "anatomically correct" Jesus in public view during Holy Week. Proposition gallery in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood will present "Chocolate Saints ... Sweet Jesus," an exhibition timed to coincide with All Saints' Day on November 1. Protests, including a call to boycott the affiliated Roger Smith Hotel, forced the gallery to scrap the showing. "We still don't approve but the conditions have changed," said Kiera McCaffrey, spokeswoman for the Catholic organization.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Bill Maher, what a cool guy
Bill Maher, the host of "Real Time With Bill Maher", is one of the most liberal "anchorman" on media today. In my opinion he is one of the most honest people in media today. He covers every topic from religion to celebrity drama with a sense of sarcasm. His political satire has become famous and he creates much publicity for his opinions.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Why does religion play such a large role in the presidency?
Religion from the beginning of the United States presidency has played a major role and still does. In a country like America that is one of the most developed countries in the world you would think that the citizens would not care what religion their leader is. America is a country where religion and the state should not mix but it does. This country is supposed to be always progressing but one thing we have not progressed in is this issue of not electing or even acknowledging candidates for presidency that are not Christian. This country even has an issue with allowing a Catholic to become president. So if a Catholic has difficulty becoming president I cant even imagine how difficult it could be for a Muslim or Jewish candidate. When Joe Lieberman ran for vice president along side presidential candidate Al Gore, he surprisingly did well. But Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, that is a Mormon is having a difficult time gaining acceptance from the general audience. When religion not play a key role in the presidency?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Catholic Church scandal
The Catholic Church scandal is one of the most disgusting incidents that has ever happened in my opinion. What is even more disgusting is that many people in power are refusing to believe that these incidents have happened. The amount of lives that these priest have destroyed is horrific, but people like police and district attorneys had a difficult time prosecuting this "loved" priest that were holy figures in their communities. What makes me sick is that people like priest are supposed to be trusted and they ruined that trust and crushed many lives by their sick actions that were taken against these poor innocent children.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Bono "We can end world hunger in our lifetime"
The lead singer of U2, Bono has been actively pursuing his passion of helping many people in war torn Africa. Since 1986 he has been one of the most active people humanitarians in the region. He has gathered much publicity to the area and has created the ONE foundation that has raised awareness of the issue and gathered many other famous people in positions of power that can help end the hell that is going on in Africa. through his activism and fame he has generated much money for countries such as war torn Sudan that is going through the first genocide of the 21st century. With religion being a main issue in Sudan's destruction, the help of countries like the United States and the United Kingdom can turn the problem around. The reason I wrote about Bono is because I personally love U2 and Bono, he is an amazing musician and an amazing human.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Clinton and Obama, heating up
Barack Obama was criticizing Hillary Clinton for her vote in support of a resolution calling an Iranian group of terrorist organization, saying it exhibited the flawed judgment she used during the vote to authorize the Iraq war five years. His resolution, which declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization, could be used by President Bush as a "blank check" that he interprets as authorization to take military action against Iran, Obama said. "We know in the past that the president has used some of the flimsiest excuses to try to move his agenda regardless of what Congress says," Obama told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. When Clinton was asked by an audience member why she voted for the resolution she replied, "The premise of the question is wrong," and went on to argue that the measure calls for the terrorist label so that sanctions can be imposed.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Iranian women going against the regime
Women in Iran are going against their degrading regime. More and more women in Iran are rising against the government and its ridiculous expectations from the women in the country. Why should women have to walk around covered from head to toe and not be able to show their hair? The women in Iran do not enjoy the what they have to go through on a daily basis. If they want to leave their house to go to the grocery store they need to make sure that they are covered. Human rights in Iran need to be acknowledged and not pushed under the rug. They perform tons of human rights violations daily and the women of Iran are trying to stand up against it.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Turkey, religion and politics mix
Turkey is a country where almost there entire populations is Muslim, so you can imagine how much religion can play a role politics. So can democracy survive in Turkey. The European Union is looking into inducting Turkey, but they are hesitant because they are not sure about how Turkey conducts itself politically. Turkey is flourishing economically averaging around 7 percent GDP growth rate for the past five years, Turkey is flooding the world with exports produced by its people. But the problem is that many of Turkeys conservative Muslim citizens do not like the progression that Turkey is making because they believe that the country is trying to become westernized. Will Turkey grow and become inducted into the European Union?
Monday, October 8, 2007
Ann Coulter helps the conservative cause
Ann Coulter might be one of the most conservative and purely insane people ever. She constantly makes remarks against people that are not Christian, White , and conservative. She generates much publicity for the conservative wing. With her insane remarks about conservative issues and her rude comments on liberal ideals she gains much attention in the media. Stations like Fox News and CNN bring her on their networks because she produces high ratings with her crude remarks against anyone that is different then her and her beliefs she just proves how insanely biased she sounds. Even if its negative publicity, Ann Coulter gets the conservative cause noticed in media.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Barack Obama, is America ready for him?
With a name like Barack Obama, which is a Muslim name does he stand a chance in the presidential run? I mean we are still in the same America that voted for one of the most right winged presidents, George W. Bush. In a country like America that tends not to be open to candidates that are not Christian does a African American man with a Muslim background stand in chance in the upcoming elections? President Kennedy had a difficult time running and when he won he became the first Catholic president. Even though Barack Obama is a Christian his Muslim name and skin color might have a strong effect on his presidential bid. A situation like this shows how closely knit politics and religion are.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Pat Robertson the devil
Pat Robertson for years has been a mastermind in the televangelist movement. He gained so much more that he even decided to run for president in 1988. With his right wing ideals and beliefs he is taking steps back and trying to brainwash an entire society. He is the founder of Christian Broadcasting Network making him a big power player in this evangelical movement. Hes made millions of dollars off using his religion to lure in people of the same faith as him. He uses the ill, poor, and hopeless to gain his money and with his Broadcasting networking their is no end to the empire he is developing for himself
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Mitt Romney the coward
Mitt Romney is a successful business man, family man, and great Mormon. But one thing that is for sure is that Mitt Romney is playing down his religion during is campaign for presidency. The truth is that Mitt Romney was a bishop or lay pastor, at his church in Belmont, Mass. After that, he served nine years as stake president overseeing about a dozen Boston area parishes. The sad thing is that Romney has had to be more cautious about his religion in how he discusses his faith. The public has weird notions towards the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Polls repeatedly continue to show that a large portion of the electorate, about 27 percent, Newsweek discovered would not vote for a Mormon for the president of the United States. Romney is extremely aware of this fact and has been down playing his religion since day one on his campaign trail. He uses his religion when it helps him gain support and million dollars worth of donations from his fellow Mormons, but when he realizes that his religion makes him the black sheep of the presidential hopefuls he completely downplays his roots.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Warren Jeffs sentenced
Warren Jeffs, leader of the polygamist sect has been sentence to jail as an acompliance to a rape, after forcing a 14 year old girl to marry her cousin. Warren Jeffs was on the FBI's most wanted list and now a court in Utah has sentenced him to five years in prison. Warren Jeffs is a self-proclaimed prophet was sentenced because he was found guilty for pressuring a young girl into having sex against her will. He was the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but they had split from the Mormon Church. At one point Warren Jeffs had 70 wives. Sick people like Warren Jeffs corrupt the lives of many young impressionable women, who's parents do not have an sense of respect for their children. Polygamist are a group of people who hardly are educated and proceed their lives in complete denial of what is happening to their women. A man that has had 70 wives is not a man that should be a leader of any group.
Monday, October 1, 2007
This is my first quarter at UCI. My name is Jasmine and I am a political science major. I am taking this class because I am interested in the correlation between religion, politics and media. I have lived in Irvine my entire life. I have never blogged before so I don't know where to start. I will be blogging almost every day so I hope you all like by blogs.
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